2. Tools

2.1. Compiling Groovy

2.1.1. groovyc, the Groovy compiler

groovyc is the Groovy compiler command line tool. It allows you to compile Groovy sources into bytecode. It plays the same role as javac in the Java world. The easiest way to compile a Groovy script or class is to run the following command:

groovyc MyClass.groovy

This will produce a MyClass.class file (as well as other .class files depending on the contents of the source). groovyc supports a number of command line switches:

Short version Long version Description Example



Base class name for scripts (must derive from Script)


-classpath, --classpath

Specify the compilation classpath. Must be the first argument.

groovyc -cp lib/dep.jar MyClass.groovy


Directory where to find source files

groovyc -sourcepath src script.groovy


Temporary directory for the compiler


Encoding of the source files

groovyc -encoding utf-8 script.groovy


Displays help for the command line groovyc tool

groovyc --help



Displays the compiler version

groovyc -v



Displays the stack trace in case of compilation error

groovyc -e script.groovy



Enables joint compilation

groovyc -j A.groovy B.java


  • sourcepath is not used anymore. Specifying this parameter will have no effect on compilation.

  • for a full description of joint compilation, see the joint compilation section.

2.1.2. Ant task


Compiles Groovy source files and, if joint compilation option is used, Java source files.

Required taskdef

Assuming groovy-all-VERSION.jar is in my.classpath you will need to declare this task at some point in the build.xml prior to the groovyc task being invoked.

<taskdef name="groovyc"
<groovyc> Attributes
Attribute Description Required


Set the configuration file used to customize the compilation configuration.



Location of the Groovy (and possibly Java) source files.



Location to store the class files.



The classpath to use.



The classpath to use given as a path references.



The sourcepath to use.



The sourcepath to use given as a path reference.



Encoding of source files.



Asks the compiler for verbose output; defaults to no.



Whether to include the Ant run-time libraries in the classpath; defaults to yes.



Whether to include the default run-time libraries from the executing VM in the classpath; defaults to no.



Whether to execute groovyc using a spawned instance of the JVM; defaults to no.



The initial size of the memory for the underlying VM, if using fork mode; ignored otherwise. Defaults to the standard VM memory setting. (Examples: 83886080, 81920k, or 80m)



The maximum size of the memory for the underlying VM, if using fork mode; ignored otherwise. Defaults to the standard VM memory setting. (Examples: 83886080, 81920k, or 80m)



Indicates whether compilation errors will fail the build; defaults to true.



Indicates whether the source files to be compiled will be listed; defaults to no.



if true each compile error message will contain a stacktrace



Enable compilation with the “invoke dynamic” support when using Groovy 2.0 and beyond and running on JDK 7



Sets the base class for Groovy scripts



Set the stub directory into which the Java source stub files should be generated. The directory need not exist and will not be deleted automatically - though its contents will be cleared unless keepStubs is true. Ignored when forked.



Set the keepStubs flag. Defaults to false. Set to true for debugging. Ignored when forked.



The Groovyc Ant task is frequently used in the context of a build system that knows the complete list of source files to be compiled. In such a context, it is wasteful for the Groovy compiler to go searching the classpath when looking for source files and hence by default the Groovyc Ant task calls the compiler in a special mode with such searching turned off. If you wish the compiler to search for source files then you need to set this flag to true. Defaults to false.



<groovyc srcdir="src" destdir="target/classes">
<groovyc> Nested Elements
element kind Required Replaces Attribute


javac task




a path structure

Yes (unless srcdir is used)



a path structure




  • For path structures see for example http://ant.apache.org/manual/using.html#path

  • For usages of the javac task see http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/javac.html

  • The nested javac task behaves more or less as documented for the top-level javac task. srcdir, destdir, classpath, encoding for the nested javac task are taken from the enclosing groovyc task. If these attributes are specified then they are added, they do not replace. In fact, you should not attempt to overwrite the destination. Other attributes and nested elements are unaffected, for example fork, memoryMaximumSize, etc. may be used freely.

Joint Compilation

Joint compilation is enabled by using an embedded javac element, as shown in the following example:

<groovyc srcdir="${testSourceDirectory}" destdir="${testClassesDirectory}">
    <pathelement path="${mainClassesDirectory}"/>
    <pathelement path="${testClassesDirectory}"/>
    <path refid="testPath"/>
  <javac source="1.7" target="1.7" debug="on" />

It is rare to specify srcdir and destdir, the nested javac task is provided with the srcdir and destdir values from the enclosing groovyc task, and it is invariable the right thing to do just to leave this as is. To restate: the javac task gets the srcdir, destdir and classpath from the enclosing groovyc task.

More details about joint compilation can be found in the joint compilation section.

2.1.3. Maven integration

There are several approaches to compiling Groovy code in your Maven projects. GMaven is the most flexible and feature rich, but it has some difficulties with joint Java-Groovy projects and it is no longer under active development. The Groovy-Eclipse compiler plugin for Maven sidesteps the joint compilation issues. Read this for a deeper discussion of the benefits and disadvantages of the two approaches.

A third approach is to use Maven’s Ant plugin to compile a groovy project. Note that the Ant plugin is bound to the compile and test-compile phases of the build in the example below. It will be invoked during these phases and the contained tasks will be carried out which runs the Groovy compiler over the source and test directories. The resulting Java classes will coexist with and be treated like any standard Java classes compiled from Java source and will appear no different to the JRE, or the JUnit runtime.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
    <name>Maven Example building a Groovy project</name>
                                <mkdir dir="${basedir}/src/main/groovy"/>
                                <taskdef name="groovyc"
                                    <classpath refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>
                                <mkdir dir="${project.build.outputDirectory}"/>
                                <groovyc destdir="${project.build.outputDirectory}"
                                    srcdir="${basedir}/src/main/groovy/" listfiles="true">
                                    <classpath refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>
                                <mkdir dir="${basedir}/src/test/groovy"/>
                                <taskdef name="groovyc"
                                    <classpath refid="maven.test.classpath"/>
                                <mkdir dir="${project.build.testOutputDirectory}"/>
                                <groovyc destdir="${project.build.testOutputDirectory}"
                                    srcdir="${basedir}/src/test/groovy/" listfiles="true">
                                    <classpath refid="maven.test.classpath"/>

This assumes you have a Maven project setup with groovy subfolders as peers to the java src and test subfolders. You can use the java/jar archetype to set this up then rename the java folders to groovy or keep the java folders and just create groovy peer folders. There exists, also a groovy plugin which has not been tested or used in production. After defining the build section as in the above example, you can invoke the typical Maven build phases normally. For example, mvn test will execute the test phase, compiling Groovy source and Groovy test source and finally executing the unit tests. If you run mvn jar it will execute the jar phase bundling up all of your compiled production classes into a jar after all of the unit tests pass. For more detail on Maven build phases consult the Maven2 documentation.

2.1.4. GMaven and GMavenPlus


GMaven is a separate project and documentation for GMaven can be found here.





You should be aware that GMaven is not supported anymore and has problems with joint compilation. Should you need joint compilation, we advise that you use the Groovy Eclipse maven plugin.


GMavenPlus is a rewrite of GMaven which is in active development. It does not support all the features of GMaven but supports newer versions of Groovy, invokedynamic, as well as joint compilation, through stubs (which means it has the same potential issues as GMaven). The main advantage over its predecessor is that it compiles with recent versions of the compiler and supports choosing what version of Groovy is used.


See GMaven 2

Unlike the name seems to indicate, GMaven 2 is not aimed at replacing GMaven. In fact, it’s a rewrite of the scripting features of the GMaven plugin. Interestingly, it supports the missing features of GMavenPlus, that is to say:

  • Script execution

  • Command-line shell access

  • GUI console access

So it may be used as a complement to the Groovy Eclipse plugin or GMavenPlus.

2.1.5. The Groovy Eclipse Maven plugin

Groovy-Eclipse provides a compiler plugin for Maven. Using the compiler plugin, it is possible to compile your maven projects using the Groovy-Eclipse compiler.

The most recent version of the Groovy-Eclipse-Compiler plugin for maven is 2.8.0- is now available from http://nexus.codehaus.org/snapshots/ .The most recent version of the groovy-eclipse-batch artifact is 2.1.5-03 (for Groovy 2.1) and 2.0.7-03 (for Groovy 2.0). They are both available from maven central. 

How to use the compiler plugin—Setting up the POM

In your plugin section, you must change the compiler used by the maven-compiler-plugin. Like the javac ant task, the maven-compiler-plugin does not actually compile, but rather delegates the compilation to a different artifact (in our case, the groovy-eclipse-batch artifact):

    <!-- 2.8.0-01 and later require maven-compiler-plugin 3.0 or higher -->
      <!-- set verbose to be true if you want lots of uninteresting messages -->
      <!-- <verbose>true</verbose> -->
      <!-- for 2.8.0-01 and later you must have an explicit dependency on groovy-eclipse-batch -->
        <!-- or choose a different compiler version -->
        <!-- <version>1.8.6-01</version> -->
        <!-- <version>1.7.10-06</version> -->

This will allow Groovy files to be compiled. The groovy-eclipse-compiler recognizes all settings supported by the maven-compiler-plugin.

Remember that you still need to specify a groovy artifact as a build dependency in addition to the maven-compiler-plugin dependency.  The groovy dependency version should match the compiler version.  Something like this:


Note that the groovy-eclipse-compiler and groovy-eclipse-batch artifacts are available in Maven-central, so there is no need to explicitly declare any extra repositories.

Setting up the source folders

There are several ways to set up your maven project to recognize Groovy source files

Do nothing

The simplest way to set up your source folders is to do nothing at all: add all of your Groovy files to src/main/java and src/test/java. This requires absolutely no extra configuration and is easy to implement. However, this is not a standard maven approach to setting up your project. If you require a more standard maven approach, then it is possible to put your Groovy files in src/main/groovy and src/test/groovy and you Java files in src/main/java and src/test/java. There are several ways of doing this.

Do almost nothing

If there is at least one file (Java or not) in src/main/java, then all files in src/main/groovy will be found. If, however, src/main/java is empty, then src/main/groovy will be ignored. You can get around this by placing an empty file in src/main/java just so that src/main/groovy will be recognized. The same is true for src/test/java and src/test/groovy. This is actually a workaround for GRECLIPSE-1221.

Use the groovy-eclipse-compiler mojo for configuring source folders

(You only need this approach if your project has an empty src/main/java or src/test/java.)

If your project has no Java files and you don’t want to add an empty file in src/main/java, then you can configure source files by referencing the groovy-eclipse-compiler mojo. Just add this to the plugins section of your pom:


The <extensions>true</extensions> section is important because this redefines the default lifecycle of your project so that an extra phase is added. This phase has an extra goal attached to it that adds the two Groovy source folders.

Use the build-helper-maven-plugin

(You only need this approach if your project has an empty src/main/java or src/test/java.)

The build-helper-maven-plugin allows you to do things like adding extra source folders to your project without needing to redefine the default lifecycle. You need to add this configuration to your build plugin section:


The benefit of using this approach is that you do not need to make any changes to the default lifecycle. The downside is, of course, that you need 31 lines of configuration to do this!

Sample project and source code

There is an archetype available for this project. You can use it through a command like this:

mvn archetype:generate \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.groovy \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=groovy-eclipse-quickstart \
    -DarchetypeVersion=2.5.2-01 \
    -DgroupId=foo \
    -DartifactId=bar \
    -Dversion=1 \
    -DinteractiveMode=false \

(This archetype is not actively maintained.)

A sample project using the compiler plugin as well as the source code for the plugin itself are available from the github repository:

The full URL to the maven projects is:https://github.com/groovy/groovy-eclipse/tree/master/extrasThere are several projects in the repository:groovy-eclipse-compiler : the compiler plugin itself (an m2eclipse project).groovy-eclipse-batch-builder : a set of ant scripts and configuration files used to build the groovy-eclipse-batch artifact. This artifact is an amalgamation of all jars required for compiling Groovy and Java code in Eclipse, including ecj (the Eclipse compiler for Java), the non-UI components of Groovy-Eclipse, the Groovy jars, and various required Eclipse bundles.groovy-eclipse-maven-tests : a sample project that uses the compiler plugin (an m2eclipse project).org.codehaus.groovy.m2eclipse : an Eclipse plugin that provides integration between Groovy-Eclipse and m2eclipse (the Maven tooling for Eclipse).Feature org.codehaus.groovy.m2eclipse : an Eclipse feature that is required for building and releasing the org.codehaus.groovy.m2eclipse plugin.

The sample project and archetype is not maintained as well as we would like. Some community help with this would be greatly appreciated. Please see GRECLIPSE-1285.

Why another Groovy compiler for Maven? What about GMaven?

GMaven 2.0 and later no longer supports compilation.  You can read more about this on the GMaven 2 project page. GMaven 1.x is now deprecated.

GMaven 1.x had limitations over the groovy-eclipse-compiler and for the following reasons GMaven 2.0 compilation is no longer supported:

  1. The compiler plugin does not require the creation of Java stubs so that your Groovy files can compile against Java files. This will prevent some arcane compile errors from appearing.

  2. The Groovy-Eclipse compiler is the same inside Eclipse and inside Maven, and so configuration across the two platforms can be simplified.

  3. The compiler plugin is a standard compiler plugin for Maven. It therefore follows all allows all the same standard configuration that the Javac compiler plugin uses. This makes it simpler to introduce Groovy into an existing Maven project. All you need to do is change the compiler plugin that the pom references.

There are still some reasons to use GMaven:

  1. GroovyDoc tool is not supported because the compiler plugin does not produce stubs.

  2. Groovy Mojos are not supported.

  3. Groovy scripts cannot be executed in your poms.

Whether or not the Groovy-Eclipse compiler plugin for Maven is appropriate for your project will depend on your requirements.

Project Lombok

Project Lombok is compatible with the groovy-eclipse-compiler.  There is some extra configuration that you need to do.  The lombok jar needs to be added to both the build and compile dependencies sections:


Also, the following configuration needs to be added to the maven-compiler-plugin configuration:

Groovy-Eclipse configurator for m2Eclipse

If you are going to be working with your maven project inside of Eclipse, it is strongly recommended that you use m2eclipse. And to use your Groovy projects with m2eclipse, you will need to install the Groovy-Eclipse configurator for m2eclipse. This feature is available any of the Groovy-Eclipse update sites (e.g., nightly, milestone, or release). Just go to your Eclipse update manager and add the Groovy-Eclipse update sites (if you haven’t done so already). Select the Groovy-Eclipse M2E integration.

Release Builds

Eclipse level

Release update site

4.2 (Juno)


3.7 (Indigo)


Development Builds

Eclipse level

Development update site

4.2 (Juno)


3.7 (Indigo)


The Groovy-Eclipse configurator for m2eclipse is not compatible with AspectJ or Scala.  So you cannot use a joint AspectJ/Scala/Groovy project in Eclipse. These languages must be separated into separate sub-projects.

Where to find more information and ask questions

Please ask all questions on the Groovy-Eclipse mailing list. Any bugs or feature enhancements should go on Groovy-Eclipse’s jira.

The compiler plugin was originally described here and here, but these posts are no longer updated and this page will always contain the more recent information.

2.1.6. Joint compilation

Joint compilation means that the Groovy compiler will parse the Groovy source files, create stubs for all of them, invoke the Java compiler to compile the stubs along with Java sources, and then continue compilation in the normal Groovy compiler way. This allows mixing of Java and Groovy files without constraint.

Joint compilation can be enabled using the -j flag with the command-line compiler, or using using a nested tag and all the attributes and further nested tags as required for the Ant task.

It is important to know that if you don’t enable joint compilation and try to compile Java source files with the Groovy compiler, the Java source files will be compiled as if they were Groovy sources. In some situations, this might work since most of the Java syntax is compatible with Groovy, but semantics would be different.